More of/Less of

Inspiration for a new anchor chart - an engaging resource, for sure!
(Hello World! by Manya Stojic)

More of

Making chai tea lattes at home

Sharing engaging resources for teaching

Calling an old friend out of the blue

Letting your best be enough

Giving authentic compliments

Less of

Mindlessly drinking a third Diet Coke

Hoarding something helpful because someone seems ungrateful

Ignoring a text message that needs an honest reply

Beating yourself up

Praising low effort

Yes, these are all "notes to self". What might you need more of? Less of?


  1. I need more: sleep nightly, reading time, exercise in fresh air, letting loose. Less: scrolling, salty snacks, procrastinating. Good reminders; thanks for posting!

  2. I love this slice! I am tucking this idea away to try myself. I love how the lists are perfectly balanced - the list items balance each other. Very thoughtful - this slice says a lot in relatively few words. Thanks for sharing! (Laura Mazer from

    1. I was a bit inspired by Douglas Florian's "What I Love About Winter"/"What I Hate About Winter" partner poems - thank you for noticing the balance~!


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