Three Ways to Say I Love You... to myself (Three True Stories)

* Purchase tulips and put them in the colorful pitcher that you don't use often enough. Move the tulips from the dining room table, where no one sits, to the coffee table in the living room, where you see them all day.

* When your daughter texts asking about doing Zoom yoga together, don't beg off because you have work to do. Change into comfy pants, roll out your mat, and join her. Breathe deeply, and let your body streeeetttttccccchhhhh. When it's over, grab a quick minute with your daughter and thank her.

* Sleep in for an extra 20 minutes. Not by hitting snooze twice - that just leads to low-grade dreaming about your to-do list! But change the alarm from :20 to :40. Then when it goes off, know you gave your body extra TLC - sleep's a powerful gift to body, brain and heart. 


  1. I love the tulip idea! Such a small way to brighten a different room. Good for you doing yoga with your daughter... we have to grab these moments when we can!

  2. What beautiful flowers! I love how all three of your ways to say I love you to yourself involve saying yes: yes to flowers, yes to your daughter and Zoom yoga, yes to more good sleep!

    1. Elizabeth, I feel another writing idea in your thoughtful comment - what am I saying "yes" to? Thank you for this idea :)

  3. How nice! I love the idea of writing about this commitment to ourselves. I think that the way we treat ourselves improves the way we treat others!

    1. YES - that science of gratitude research is a great reminder we need to be good to ourselves, too .

  4. What a brilliant idea about the flowers!

    Also, IT'S SO TRUE that hitting snooze "just leads to low-grade dreaming about your to-do list." LOL, I love the way you worded this. Hitting snooze creates way more anxiety for me than anything else, and yet I can't help doing it!

    Thanks for the idea :)

    1. Britt, I hope it works for you, too. We need GOOD sleep, not anxious sleep, right?! Sending you extra zzzzzzz's.....

  5. Power of threes, and all these sound doable! TY for sharing your life with us. XX, Nawal

    1. Power of 3s is right, Nawal - I am so happy I MADE it to 3 on this post :)
      So grateful you're Slicing AND reading, too - what a gift.

  6. I love this post and buying myself flowers always brightens up my mood! Beautiful pitcher.


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