Ode to Silk Long Johns

A short poem of gratitude for your comfort on cold nights.
A brief thank you for being there for me on early morning dog walks.
A tiny appreciation for your willingness to engage in March.
A bit of recognition that you don't demand washing after every use.
A small hope that warmer days are ahead, and we can soon bid each other adieu.*

* I wasn't sure how to spell adieu, so Googled it and learned:
"Adieu is not a French goodbye to be taken lightly or used often. It is highly formal, and it has a sense of finality. Steer clear of this one unless you never plan on seeing the person again or one of you is on your death bed."

I would like my silk long johns to re-engage with me next November or thereabouts, but I do love how it ends the poem.


  1. Thanks for your poem. I'm also hoping to be done with the cold-weather gear soon.

  2. What a discovery about adieu! I was not aware. And silk long johns may be in my future since you have spoken of them so lovingly here.


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