March 13: A list of good things when I'm sad about Amy Krouse Rosenthal

I know I need to finish my "generosity" reflection, but I'm feeling so sad about Amy Krouse Rosenthal's death. She was an 100% generous kind of person, and when I saw the news, I took time to cry. And I'm making a list of 10 things that are joyful:

1. Finding a book that you know you can give to a student or teacher at the exact right moment. Seeing their eyes light up and feeling the "YES" that radiates from their joy. 
2. A cupcake with perfect cake-to-frosting ratio. Had one for dessert tonight, made by a neighbor. So yummy and so much better than my baking.
3. Hearing an a cappella choir sing "Happy". I heard Morehouse Mens Choir sing tonight... and yes, I clapped along, because it did make me happy!
4. When someone else empties the dishwasher... without being nagged.
5. Letters in the mail. Real letters! (Birthday cards are great, but I'm talking letters here.)
6. Discovering a new, helpful type of post-it note, then buying extra, so she can share them with another post-it note aficionado. (I was going to use "addict" but that makes loving post-its sound like a tough sickness.)
7. Tights without holes.
8. Big big tight hugs from my rough and tumble 14 year old son. The kind that I fear will disappear in a few years, and that I'll long for... 
9. A free lunch. I love when someone unexpectedly treats me to lunch or coffee, without making a big deal about it. A simple, gracious "Let me treat you today." That's a treat. (And I should do this more often for others.)

You know what? I'm leaving #10 open, in honor of Amy. In honor of the space she left behind.
Amy, thank you for your gift of words and humor. Your passion for love, people, and generosity. For leaving so much evidence of love in the world. I will keep wishing others MORE. Big love to your family. I know there hearts must be breaking.


  1. This is a great post and touching tribute. I love that you left #10 open. Hugs.

  2. What a nice way to honor Amy. My favorites from your list - #3 and #5. It's been a sad day for many, but like you said, especially for Amy's husband and three children.


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