
my text to my 11th and 9th grader at 9:55 am today

Dear E &D,
I am so proud of you, and grateful that you are raising your voice and understanding protest. It is important to always find issues that matter to you and be a part of change. Sometimes it will be easy to do and often times, it will be harder to embrace what it means to "raise your voice." We love you and support you and are grateful for a family that has hard conversations and moves forward with hearts full of love. Be safe and be understanding of people who have different ideas. And be champions for creating a better world.


  1. I participated in the walk out with my 5th grade students, and I was very proud of them today. Thank you E & D for your contribution in this movement as well

  2. "Moving forward with hearts full of love" - love that.

  3. I wish teachers and admin at my grandson's school were this supportive.


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